Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What Hairstyle Does De La Ghetto Have

Cinema Cinema, Part 2

I've pretty much studied a long time in a small Franconian town. In this small town there was a cinema that now - I suspect - has given way to the usual multiplex. (The cinema, however, was a former - ahem - adult movie cinema, just situated next to the shop for Marriage Hygiene.)

The cinema was not necessarily for full cinematic pleasure, but a visit there almost always more entertaining than the actual show. There was only ice in the lobby before the movie and even popcorn - but only if it itself had brought from home. Each of the four rooms was a specific topic decorated, which was also almost always missed.
The "Eldorado" - not covered with gold was, but rickety wooden seats, their backs are drilled mercilessly least half an hour in the back. The astlochkiefervertäftelten walls adorned old wagon wheels, were inserted into the dusty grass tufts of plastic flower bouquets. All in all, it looked more as we celebrate cowboy birthday party in a large sauna, rather than "700 miles to the west" to ride.
in the main hall (which had no name) was the past glory can still be seen here and there - from the laurel wreath stucco reliefs were carved out with great difficulty the swastikas.
In the "foxhole" however, someone had let off steam with a penchant for really fretwork. Shrubs and trees from particle board and head-high wooden squirrel framed the canvas, behind which - surprise! - Were the entrances to the toilets. (Discreet Sneak Out during the movie that is virtually impossible.).
The smallest room was lovingly called by all visitors, only the "bus", because just as it looked. The screen was about 3x3 feet in size and there were only a handful of places - in rows of four seats. The cinema of the absolute film cucumbers. The screen was just at the door - once when I entered a few minutes after the beginning of the "bus", I was so blinded; I was just sliding on his knees and using my sense of touch to a free chair.

curiously similar to the device and was the staff. No Kartenabreisserin had fewer than 70 Lenze and Carnival, they welcomed the admissions in a fun panel. The tiny cowboy hats bobbing jauntily angle on jet-black dyed hair and gun belt clung to Bügelleichtspandexhosenhüften. My card was with a smile and the words "Once Schemmer Bond - a lot of fun" Spirited torn in half.
And they knew to set priorities:
would suddenly In a presentation of the film stopped, the light went on, the Door to the foyer and one of the older ladies in the hall shouted: "Is one in here, the vehicle with the license plate XYZ is facing an exit and it will be towed immediately!"
I call service. Since the multiplexes can still pack genuine.


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