Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Laundry Odor After Folding

Spring - an aesthetic problem.

It's that time again ... spring is here. During the April weather me intellectually overwhelmed and I am usually attracted to warm, to tear the clothes of other so quickly from the body, as if they were shopping in the store's clothing Chippendales. What is then dragged into the daylight should Relentless, human eyes do not have to look at her without warning: men's legs look pale from trekking shorts, which had two seconds to play long pants - zip at the knee is thanks. Nage-haired yellow-celled men pointed toes of shoes, which was invented by the devil himself - the men's sandals. Muscle shirts are nestled in the back of hairy men, which not surprisingly, of their loved ones always "bears" are mentioned. (Only topped by the young man next to me yesterday at the traffic lights, instead of wearing outerwear of any kind, just a backpack. In April. In Berlin.)
But keep up the women's fashion can. Flesh-colored nylon stockings cut off the blood supply from bumps calves. dig subcarrier shirt is (supposedly invisible) bra straps in tape-look into the flesh. Never died, unfortunately, is the 3 / 4 pants, sister of the terrible 7 / 8 or 5 / 6 leg dress ... so disadvantageous as the other. Simple rule: As soon as gebruchrechnet on the label, can hang your pants on the hanger. Also taken into
Prenzlauer Berg-chic like white Rippstrickstrumpfhosen under dark shorts, black nylons either in combination with green-Paul Breitner Memorial Adidas polyester satin soccer shorts cause me spontaneous conjunctivitis. Remember: even those who deliberately looks stupid does, even now still look stupid.

Sometimes I suspect the strict dress codes of many world religions are only created because some prophet could look simply no longer on the leg with self-tanner crosswalk. It is indeed not without reason, "we cover the cloak of oblivion / silence about it."


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